Special children program – BanskofilmfestKIDS 2013

Chlidren competitions

Photo children competition – „Pirin – four seasons“

Painting competition“Bansko`s children painings Pirin”

Award ceremony 23th November 18:00h – Culture Center “Nikola Vapcarov”,  Bansko


20th  November (10.30-11.20 и 11.30-12.30 h), 21th November (10.30-11.30h)  и 22th November (10.30-11.30h), Turzestvena Hall, Culture Center “Nikola Vapcarov”film program for children


21th November, Thursday, 13.30h, Culture Center “Nikola Vapcarov” Workshop with professional photographers


22th November, Friday, 12.00h ,Big Hall, Culture Center “Nikola Vapcarov” Open lesson about the nature of Antarctica prof. Rumyana Mecheva big hall,

23th November, Saturday, 10.00h, Lift Station Bansko – Retro mountain march with veterans

Exhibitions – open ceremony – 20th November Wednesday 12:45, (in the lobby of “N. Y. Vaptsarov” community center)

–          „Season“, pictures, Rossen Spassov,


–          Pictures by the students of  High School “Nikola Vapcarov “, Bansko


–          „The Alltitude is a state of mind“, watercolor portrets, Marina Shiderova


–           “Bansko`s children painings Pirin”


–          „Let`s follow the past“, pictures, Venelin Petrov, Association „Nikolai Proev – Proikata“ ,


–          “Antarctica – bulgarian ice story”, Bulgarian Antarctic Institute,


–          „Aton“, Alexey Zhalov.,


–          „Mountain landscapes „, pictures, Aleksander Penkov.


11.30h,  21th Thursday Nov, hotel “Gardenia”

([email protected],

–          “Destination Mongolia”

–          “Slovakia – Little Big Country”


Special support by Embassy of Republic Mongolia and Embassy of Slovak Republic in Bulgaria


Seminars and workshops


Seminar – 22th Nov Friday conference hall, hotel “Gardenia”  – With camera in the high mountains, Dariusz Zaluski (Poland)


Workshop – 23th Nov Saturday 11.00h – village Banya, hotel “Stenata” – ”Modern tendentions- ice climbing and tooling-a, Benedikt Purner (Austria)

Seminar – 24th Nov Sunday, conference hall, hotel “Gardenia” ([email protected],

The movie “Szkolenie lawinowe”, Poland, 2012, Marek Chodak, 22’ and demonstration “Avalanches and avalanche equipment”

Film screenings


Wednesday, 20th November


Turzestvena Hall

10.30-10.44 – Style of gravity / Ein Traum Leben Winter”, Austria, 2013, 14


10.44-10.53 –  Sharma Back in Céüse”, France, 2012, Guillaume Broust, 9

10.53-11.20 –  Ruta dels Annapurana en BTT”, Spain, 2010, Jordi Valera Ciudad, 27’


11.20-11.30 – break

11.30-12.02 –„Czech Slack”, Czech Republic, 2013, Ondřej Smrž, 32′


12.02-12.06 – “Turner Wilson”, Great Britain, 2011, 4


12.10-13.30 – break


13.30-13.59 – “Next stop Greenland”, Spain, 2012, Lara Izagirre Garizurieta, 30’



14.00-14,20 – “Il tempo lieve. Luoghi, persone e storie a Mezzano”, Italy, 2013, Michele Corona, 20’


14,20-15,30 – “Dragon`s Back Race”, United Kingdom, 2013, Richard Heap, 70


15.30-15.45 – break


15.45-16.13 –  “Rock-cut architecture in Moldova”, Russia, 2012, Ilya Agapov, 28’



Film Panorama “Destination – Mongolia”


16.13-17.41 – “The two horses of Genghis Khan”, Germany, 2009, Byambasuren Davaa, 88’


17.41-18.00 – “From Trun starting Bulgaria” , Bulgaria, 2013, Cvetanka Nikolova, 19’


18.00-18.30 –break

Zasedatelna Hall


10.30-10.58 – “Noss tren – 100 onns viafier en Surselva/ Unser Zug – 100 Jahre Eisenbahn in der Sursel, Switzerlamnd, 2012, Ruedi Bruderer, 28’


11.00-11.34 –Run free – message of white horse”, Czech Republic, 2012, Radek Popelka, 34’


11.34-11.50 – “Ganesh”, France, Vladimir Cellier, Julien Nadiras, 16’


11.50-12.29 – “Il dritto e il rovescio”/”Good side and bad side”, Italy, 2012, Alberto Sciamplicotti, 39’

12.30-13.30 – break

13.30-14.04“Compagno orso”/ “My companion the bear”, Italy, 2012, Valentina De Marchi, 34’



14.04-15.04 –  “The long hope”, United Kingdom, 2011, Paul Diffley, 60’

15.04-15.29“Pur Forever – il pli vegl pur svizzer”/ “Carl Jenal – Switzeland’s oldest farmer”, Switzerland, 2012, Susanna Fanzun, 25’


15.30-15.45 – break

15.45-16.43 – “Start training”, Italy, 2012, Alberto Valtellina, Maurizio Panseri, 58’


16.43-17.07 – “Li’ ile”/ “The Island”, France, 2012, Pauline Delwaulle, 24’


17.07-17.15 – “Mateso”, Belgium, 2012, Collectif Cameraetc, 8’


17.15-18.01“Film about Golo Burdo”, Bulgaria,2012, Ekaterina Minkova, 46’

18.00-18.30 –break

The Big Hall


18.30 – Open ceremony

Midnight Cinema in “Gardenia” hotel (2770, Bansko, 72 Tzar Simeon str., phone: 0749 86900,fax:0749 86903, [email protected],


22.00-23.15“Last nomads of Anatolia”, Turkye, 2010, Yüksel Aksu, 75’

In memorian of Vladimir Visocki

23.15-00.29“Вертикаль”/”Verical”, СССР, 1967, Станислав Говорухин, Борис Дуров, 73’




Thursday, 21 November


Turzestvena Hall

10.30-11.30  – children program

10.30-11.12 – “Sarah Outen, London 2 London”, Great Britain, 2012, 42’

11.12-11.30 – “Silbergeier”, France, 2012, Vladimir Cellier, 18’

11.30-11.53 – “Teenagers ascent the peaks”, България, 2013, Evgeni Popov, 30’


11.53-12.00“Of souls + water: The nomad”, USA, 2012, Skip Armstrong, 7’

12.00-12.28Vanescha pli gitg ch’ins stat e pli gitg ch’ins stess”/ “Vanescha the longer you stay, the longer you will want to stay”, Switzerland, 2012, Eligi Derungs, 27


12.28-12.58“Sandstone”, Czech, 2012, Petr Kaspar, 30’


13.00-14.00 –break


Film Panorama “Destination – Mongolia”

14.00-15.01“Mongolia – In the Shadow of Genghis Khan”, Slovak Republic, Pavol Barabáš, 61’

15.01-15.46No man Iceland” France, 2011, Damien Artero, 45’

15.46-15.52Of souls + water: the shapeshifter”, USA, 2012, Skip Armstrong, 6’


15.52-16.16 –  Le  RocTrip’ 2011 – Chine”, France, 2012, Vladimir Cellier, Julien Nadiras, 24’

16.16-16.20Ghatre ghatre”/ Gutty”, Iran, 2012, Seyed Sajad Moosavi, 4’


16.20-17.00“Karim, non stop”, Spain, 2012, Jesus Bosque, 40’

17.00-17.15 –break

Zasedatelna Hall

10.30-10.55 – Da Chatschaders E Da Chatschads”/ “From hunters and hunted”, Switzerland, 2012, Casper Nicca, 25


10.55-11.17 – “Tuzgle Argentina”, France, Vladimir Cellier et Julien Nadiras, 22’


11.17-11.47 – “Rescuers”, Bulgaria, 2013, Elvira Ilieva, Tzveta Mladenowa, 30’


11.47-12.38 – “Pescasseroli. Storie di uomini, storie di natura”, Italy, 2012, Michele Imperio, 51’


12.38-12.46 – “Lucid dream”, USA, 2013, Luke Hively, 8’


12.46-13.00 – “Bansko”, Slovakia, Tibor Mussak, 14’


13.00-14.00 – break


14.00-14.27 – “The forgotten gorans”, Bulgaria, 2007, Valentin Gonevski, 27’


14.27-15.14 – “Wyprawa na Mt. Everest”, Poland, 2012, Darek Załuski, 47’


15.14-15.59 –  “The Pinnacle”, United Kingdom, 2010, Paul Diffley, 45’


16.02-16.09 – “Memory”/“Сон”, Russia , Петр Якубсон, Григорий Сальников, 7’


16.09-17.01 – Niedźwiedź. Władca gór”/ “Lord of the Carpathians”, Poland, 2012, Krystian Matysek, 52’


17.00-17.15 –break

The Big Hall – Presentations


17.15-18.15 –presentation – Prof. Hristo Pimpirev and His Excellency Lhamsuren Dugerzhav, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia in Bulgaria, will tell about their successful joint expedition to the South pole in the beginning of the year, and about taking part in the Bulgarian Antarctic expedition on Livingston island in 2012/2013. The book “Antarctic Diaries” by prof. d. Hristo Pimpirev  will be presented– “This is a confession of a dream, which looks like a child’s dream, and a story of a realization, without which your life lacks purpose”, as Professor Boyan Biolchev put it in the foreword.

18.15-19.15 –presentationKiril Nikolov – The Dizl – the most famous Bulgarian classic-, ski- and mountain bike orienteer, mountain runner and multisport racer.

19.15-19,30 –break

19.30-20.30 – presentation „60 years – Everest – the story of climbing”, Petur Atanasov


20.30-21.30 – presentation – Christian Stangl (Austria) – one of the greatest “skyrunners” in the world and the first person to achieve a Triple Seven Summits record – to have climbed the 3 highest peaks on each of the continents.

Midnight Cinema hotel “Gardenia” – conference hall, hotel “Gardenia” ([email protected],

22.00-22.49 – “Zivot je”/ “Life is”, Montenegro, Vladimir Perović, 49’


22.49-23.09 – Bajo cero/ “Below zero”, Spain, 2012, Egoi Markaida, 20’


23.10-23.36 – Месторождение”/ “Oil field”, Russia, 2012, Ivan Golovnev, 26’

In memoriam of


23.36-00.03 – Opéra vertical”, France, 1982, Jean-Paul Jansen, 27’


00.03-00.30 – La Vie au bout des doigts”, France, 1982, Jean-Paul Jansen, 27’


Friday, 22th November


Turzestvena Hall

10.30-11.30 – children program


10.30-10.48 – Escalade/ minivoile!”, France, 2012, Bastien De Lattre, Thomas Caleyron, 18’


10.48-11.01 –Sled”, Maroc, 2008, Yassine El Idrissi, 13’


11.01-11.08 – Of souls + water: the mother, USA, 2012, Skip Armstrong, 6′


11.08-11.33 – Рускеала: тайна глубины”/ “Ruskeala:the secret of the depth”, Russia, 2013, Alexander Baulin, 25’


11.33-11.50 – “Exit point”, Poland, 2012, Jagoda Szelc, 17’


11.50-12.45 – “White line”, Czech, 2012, Tomas Galasek, 55’


Film Panorama “Destination Mongolia”


12.45-13.00 –“Mongolia instantes“/ „Mongolia moments“, Spain, 2013, Jordi Varela Ciudad, 15’


13.00-13.30 –break


13.30-14.22 – “Freundschaft auf Zeit”/ “Friendship with Limits”, Germany, 2012, August Pflugfelder, 52’


14.22-15.31 – “San Martino”, Italy, 2012, Silvia Poeta Paccati, 69’

Meeting with Silvia Paccati.


15.30-15.45 –break


Zasedatelna Hall


10.30-11.05 – “Next time inshallah”, Spain, 2011, Alex G. de Vicuna, 35’


11.05-12.22 – “Himalaya, le village suspend”, France, 2012, Anne et Erik Lapied, 77’

12.22-12.30 – “Crimea of Sergey Nefedov”, Russia, 2013, Nik Skavinski, 8’


12.30-12.59 – “Rockin’ Cuba”, France, 2011, Vladimir Cellier, Julien Nadiras, 29’


13.00-13.30 – break


13.30-14.22 – “Land of Fire”, Great Britain, 2012, Justine Curgenven, Barry Shaw, 52’


14.22-14.29 – “Oh Sheep!”, Germany, 2012, Gottfried Mentor, 7’


14.29-15.20 – “STEPS – The Ride Greener Film”, Switzerland, 2013, Philipp Eyer, Stephan Hermann, 51’

15.22-15.30 – “Road to nowhere”, Bulgaria, 2013, Rossen Spassov, 8’


15.30-15.45 – break


The Big Hall – Presentations


15.45 -16.45 – The following books will be presented:

–  “Before the oblivion by Rumen Stoichkov,

Walter Bonatti. Il fratello che non sapevo di avereReinhold Messner and Sandro Filippini (it will be published in bulgarian in 2014) – the book will be presented by Sandro Filippini

the map “Rhodope mountains – bike rotes ”,

Travelling to Livingsten”Milena Marincheva.

16.45-17.45 –presentation –  Kamen Bonev and Alexey Zalov will acquaint the public with their participation in the forth Chinese-Bulgarian expedition to unexplored underground caves in “Gaolingongshan” National Nature Reserve in the district of Baoshan near the border with Myanmar (Burma), and in the surroundings of Kunming city.


17.45-18.00 – break

18.00-19.00presentation Benedikt Purner (Austria) – one of the best and most prominent ice-climbers in the world, forming the best European team in the discipline together with his compatriot Albert Leichtfried.

19.00-20.00presentation Simone Origone (Italy) – Simone Origone (Italy) – the fastest man on earth, holder of the speed skiing world record with 251,400 km/h, a participant in one of the most adrenalin rich competitions. Winner of the World speed skiing cup in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2011. Out of 56 starts, he has 48 podium finishes – 24 1st places, 16 2nd places and 8 3rd ones. He has been world champion in the same discipline – at FIS 2005 (Breuil – Cervinia), 2007 (Verbier), 2009 (Vars), 2011 (again in Verbier), and for professional competitors (2004, 2006, 2008, 2009).

20.00-21.00Juanito Oiarzabal (Spain) – holder of the world record for most climbs on eight-thousanders (peaks higher than 8000 m.) with 28 climbs; the first man to twice climb the three highest peaks in the world – Everest (8848 m.), K2 (8611 m.), Khangchendzonga (8586 m.); the 6th person with the Himalayan crown (climbing all the 14 main eight-thousanders on Earth – and he has done so without using bottled oxygen).

After Party – Night club“Base camp” (look at:- // – DJ, фестивално намаление.

Midnight Cinema hotel “Gardenia” – conference hall (2770 Банско, ул. “Цар Симеон” 72, телефон: 0749 86900, факс: 0749 86903, [email protected],

22.00-22.54“Kom – Emine”, Bulgaria, Nikola Barbov, Bogomil Golemanov, 54’


Panorama “Destination – Mongolia”

22.54-23.37 – “In the Skin of a Wolf”, Australia, 2010, Tim Cope, Michael Dillon, 43’


23.38-00.31“Schwarze Madona”/ “Black madona”, Germany/Austria, 2013, Eduardo Gellner, 53’


Saturday, 23th November


Turzestvena Hall

10.30-11.32 – “Vite tra i vulcani”/ “Living with the volcanoes”, Switzerland, 2012, Mario Casella, Fulvio Mariani, 62’)

11.32-12.01 – “Pau Escalé. Go to the parad-ice”, Spain, 2012, Eduard Miguel Costal, 29’



12.01-12.06 – A Temporada” / “The Season”, Brazil, 2013, Erick Grigorovski , 5’

12.06-12.58 –   No man`s land”, France, 2010, Gilles Charensol, Lionel Daudet, 52’

13.00-13.30 – break

13.30-13.49 –  “Le theorem de la peine”/ “The theorem of pain”, France, 2012, Alex Marchesseau)

13.49-13.50 –“Spleen”/ “Хандра”, Russia, 2013, Maria Makhanko, 1’

13.50-13.59 –“Rosomak”, Canada, 2012, Wiktor Skupinski, 9’

13.59-14.06 – Of souls + water: the warrior, USA, 2012, Skip Armstrong, 9’


14.06-14.30 – “Season”, Bulgaria, 2013, Rossen Spassov, 24’


14.30-14.45 – Green Valley – the path to Eiger”, Bulgaria, Rossen Spassov, 2013, 15’

14.45-15.00 – break

Zasedatelna Hall

10.30-10.38 – “Why”, USA, 2011, Correy Rich, 8

10.38-10.51 – “Aria e nuvole”/ “Air and clouds” (Italy, 2011, Ivo Pecile, 13’

10.51-12.17 – “Eye to eye with Everest”, Netherlands, 2012, Milan Collin, 86’

12.17-13.05 – “Wide Boyz”, United Kingdom, 2011, Paul Diffley, 48’

13.00-13.30 – break

13.30-13.55 – “Vinterlys”/ “Winter light”, Norway, 2011, Skule Eriksen, 25’

Film Panorama “Destination – Mongolia”

13.55-14.47 –“Die Magie der Mongolei”/ “Wild Mongolia”, Austria, 2006, Heinz Leger, 52’


14.45-15.00 – break

Big Hall – Presentations

15.00-16.00presentation – The 75th anniversary of the first ascent of the famous North face of the Eiger will be marked by a presentations by Maria Hristova, Spas Malinov and Metodi Savov – participants in the fist Bulgarian ascents of the Normal route and the Japanese Diretissima (1975 and 1978), and by climbers from Bansko, who climbed the peak in 2013.

16.00-17.00 –presentation –  Teodor Kisimov will talk about his second descent to the “Everest of Caves” – the bottom of Krubera Voronja, the deepest cave in the world (at -2145 m.) in the Caucasus.


17.00-18.00 presentation – For this year and the future we wish to enrich the existing tradition by “shaking the dust off” somewhat forgotten, but exceptionally Honored Bulgarian travelers. The beginning will be made with Nikolai Yotov’s presentation of sea-farer Doncho Papazov.


18.00-18.15 –break


18.15-19.15 – Award ceremony

19.15-20.15presentation “Summit is the Goal”Peter Habeler (Austria) – Reinhold Messner’s partner during the first ascent of Mt. Everest without the use of supplementary oxygen; an icon of alpinism himself.

20.15-21.15presentation –  Geraldine Fasnacht (Switzerland) – one who could easily claim to be “the most extreme female in the world”: extreme skier and snowboarder (having won the most important free riding competitions 11 times), parachute jumper, sky diver, B. A. S. E. jumper (first jumps in history in Antarctica, Mali, Iran), wing suite flyer. Author, co-author and subject of 12 movies.

22.30After party at “BanderPub” (//, Rock group – Boris Simeonov-Munata


Sunday, 24th November


Turzestvena Hall

10.30-11.00The cold fireplaces of the forgotten villages”, Bulgaria, 2013, Cvetan Simeonov, 30’

11.00-11.14 – “I want”/ “Je Veux”, Germany, 2012, Joachim Hellinger, 14’

11.14-13.29- K2: Siren of the Himalayas”, USA, 2013, Dave Ohlson, Jason Reid 75’

Meeting with director and producer Dave Ohlson and Jason Reid USA

13.30-14.00 break

14.00-15.03 – “Elevation 42”, Bulgaria, 2011, Emma Konstantinova, Miroslava Ivanova, 63’

15.03-15.27 – “Let Go”/ “Loslassen”, Germany, 2013, Franz Walter, 24’

15.27-15.33 – “Of souls + water: the elder” USA, 2012, Skip Armstrong, 6’

15.33-16.11 – Infinite Jest”/ “Il gioco infinite”, Italy, 2013, Matteo Modugno, 38’

16.11-17.06 – “No Ceiling – The BASEclimb (3 Story)”, Australia, 2010, Dr Glenn Singleman, 55’

Zasedatelna Hall


10.30-10.24 – “Baffin Arctic Dream”, Switzerland, 2012, Pierre-Alain Hayoz, 24’

10.24-10.29 – “Malyo, 40 seconds in Paradise”, Bulgaria, 2013, Emanuil Emanuilov, 5’

11.00-11,25 – “Tempting Fear”, Canada, 2011, Mike Douglas, 25’

11.25-12.17 –On a marche sous le pole”, “Deepsea under the Pole”, France, 2010, Thierry Robert, 52’

12.17-12.28 –“Balance”, Netherlands, 2012, Mark Ram, 11’

12.28-12.48„The journey”, Australia, 2013, Sharyn Jones, 20’

12.48-12.58 – “A New Perspective”, Germany/ USA, 2012, Corey Rich, 10’

12.58-13.34“Egger parete Ovest”/ “The Egger Project – West face of Egger”, Italy, 2013, Pietro Porro, 36’



13.30-14.00 –break

14.00-14.54 –  Where heaven meets hell”, USA, 2012, Sasha Friedlander, 54

14.54-15.50Príbehy tatranských štítov III. – Posadnutí horami/ Tales of the Tatras Peaks III – The Enticed by Heights”, Slovakia, 2012, Pavol Barabáš, 56’

15.50-16.13 – “Fish lakes and Rileckoto bilo”, Bulgaria,2013, Cvetanka Nikolova , 23’

16.13 – 16.59 – “Two on K2”, Poland, 2013, Dariusz Załuski, 46’




Free entry

The organizers reserve the right to change the schedule presented here above.


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