Stars of BFF 2017: Eric McNair-Landry (Canada)

Eric McNair-Landry (Canada) – polar adventurer, kite-skiing, world record for the longest distance kite-skied in 24 hours and dog sledding – Presentation day of Banskofilmfest`2017 – 25th of November, 20:00h, Big Hall, Culture center “Nikola Vapcarov”, Bansko.

Eric grew up in IqaluitNunavut where dog sledding, kite-skiing, and cold weather survival skills were learned at an early age. His passion for expeditions has resulted in more than 15,000km travelled via kite-ski. His adventures have taken him across the Northwest Passage, to the Gobi Desert, twice to the South Pole, and across the Greenland Icecap six times.

Eric holds the world record for the longest distance kite-skied in 24 hours; he has been nominated for National Geographic’s Adventurer of the Year Award and received the Outdoor Idol Award in 2007. Eric’s photo was recently published in The National Geographic Magazine.

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His adventures have taken him across the Northwest Passage, to the Gobi Desert, twice to the South Pole, and across the Greenland Icecap six times.

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He has been nominated for National Geographic’s Adventurer of the Year Award and received the Outdoor Idol Award in 2007. Eric’s photo was recently published in The National Geographic Magazine.

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When asked about his first memory of Greenland, Eric shared this story:

At the age of 14 I visited West Greenland as part of a family trip.  Our goal was to hike between the towns of Sarfannguit and Sisimiut.  I was struck by how similar to home Greenland was, yet how simple policy changes had benefitted Greenland in ways still lacking back home in Canada.  Overall I was impressed by how clean the towns were, how much importance people placed on Inuit/Greenlandic traditions such as dog sledding and kayaking, and the seamless integration of Danish and Greenlandic customs.


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Eric’s first adventure was at the age of 10:

My sister Sarah (then age 9) and I departed on an overnight hiking trip across the tundra to find the headwaters of a small local stream.  My parents has us practice camping on the front deck for a week until we could light our MSR stove, read a map, and communicate using the VHF radio.

For this newest adventure, Eric has high hopes and realistic expectations.

I enjoy the nomadic experience, moving place to place from one day to another.  I love the variety of daily life on an expedition, with each new day presenting new & different challenges from the last.  There is no ‘9 to 5’ on a kiting expedition!

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  • In 2011, along with his sister Sarah, Eric kite-skied the Northwest Passage, traveling 3,300km over 85 days.
  • In 2012, Eric, along with Sarah, Boomer and 13 other friends, spent 21 days rafting and kayaking down the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
  • In 2009, Sarah and Eric became the first to cross the Gobi Desert in Mongolia by kites and buggies, without vehicle assistance.
  • Ellesmere Island Expedition

    A team of 6 headed to the the Canadian High Arctic with 30 sled dogs, to spend two months dog sledding while raising awareness about climate change.

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