Stars of BFF 2016: Boyan Petrov (Bulgaria)

Boyan Petrov (Bulgaria) – zoologist, speleologist, mountaineer – Presentation day of BanskoFilmFest`2016 – 26 November, Saturday, 21:00h, Big Hall, Culture Center “Nikola Vapcarov”, Bansko.


Boyan Petrov will present his ascents on Nanga Parbat, Makalu and Annapurna.

Professional experience

Boyan is an expert on bats, amphibians, reptiles and cave fauna in more than 50 projects for biodiversity assessments in the national parks, reserves, protected areas and NATURA 2000 sites in Bulgaria.

Manager of national and international projects on bat’s ecology and protection.
Consultant of governmental institutions, non governmental organizations, popular magazines and on-line editions.
Appraiser of projects in the field of biodiversity research and management of protected territories.
Author of many assessments, statements, instructions, project reports, popular papers and travel notes.
Experienced public speaker and presenter.
Member of the Access Commission at the International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation (UIAA).
Member of the Advisory Committee of the Agreement of the Conservation of Bats in Europe (EUROBATS).
Coordinator of the Bat Research and Conservation Center at the National Museum of Natural History.





Boyan Petrov, Nanga Parbat summit, 25th of July, 2016.



Boyan Petrov, Makalu, 23th of  May, 2016



Boyan Petrov, Annapurna, 30th of April


Expedition experience

Member and leader of research and mountaineering expeditions in Kazakhstan (1990), France, Spain and Italy (1992—2015), Greece (2000, 2006—2015), Turkey (2000, 2006—2009), Romania (2000), Karakoram (Pakistan, 2001, 2005, 2009), Himalayas (Nepal, 2014, 2015, 2016; Pakistan, 2016), Pamir (Kirghizia, 2003; Tajikistan, 2010), Andes (Argentina, 2004), Alaska (USA, 2004), Caucasus (Russia, 2004), Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, 2007), Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania (2009), China (2011, 2013).

Mountain climber with 21 summits above 5000 m (16400 ft):

2016 — Nanga Parbat (8126 m) in Pakistan
2016 — Makalu (8485 m) in Nepal
2016 — Annapurna I (8091 m) in Nepal
2015 — Manaslu (8163 m) in Nepal (first Bulgarian accent)
2014 — K2 (8611 m) in Pakistan (first Bulgarian accent), 2005 — up to 8200 m
2014 — Broad Peak (8047 m) in Pakistan, 2001 — up to 7300 m
2014 — Kangchenjunga (8586 m) in Nepal (first Bulgarian accent)
2010 — Ismoil Somoni (7495 m) in Tajikistan
2010 — Korzhenevskaya (7105 m) in Tajikistan
2009 — Gasherbrum-2 (8035 m) up to 8030 m in Pakistan
2009 — Gasherbrum-1 (8068 m) in Pakistan (first Bulgarian accent)
2009 — Margherita (5109 m) in Uganda
2009 — Mount Kenya (5199 m) in Kenya up to 5100 m
2009 — Kilimanjaro (5895 m) in Tanzania
2007 — Khan Tengri (6995 m) in Kazakhstan
2004 — Elbrus (5642 m) in Russia
2004 — Denali (6195 m) in the USA
2004 — Aconcagua (6962 m) in Argentina
2003 — Lenin (7134 m) in Kirghizia
2001 — Demavend (5671 m) in Iran
2000 — Ararat (5137 m) in Turkey

Caver and biospeleologist with more than 450 caves and potholes in Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Croatia, Kosovo, Turkey, Romania, Montenegro and China, explored between 1990 and 2015.

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