“Dream makers” (Switzerland)

Bulgarian premiere of the film “Dream makers”/“Les faiseurs de rêves” (Switzerland, 2015, Stéphane Schaffter, 64’)

Having left their cars at the Col de la Givrine, three youths meet in the depth of the forest in the Swiss Jura on their way to the Carroz Chalet, their ski touring destination. The Chalet is run by members of the Geneva Section of the Alpine Club.
The youths: Lyrice, Arnaud and Valérian, respectively 20, 19 and 18 years old, receive a warm and spontaneous reception on arrival at the chalet. There they learn about the activities of the Club and, in particular, about the Zanskar expedition and depart with the idea of taking part in this adventure.
The Club decides to provide them with the opportunity to participate in this expedition, a big leap forward to them fulfilling their dreams of becoming independent and impassioned mountaineers.

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