BFF 2015: Entry Rules
Fifteenth International Film Festival for Mountains, Extreme Sports and Adventures,
25-29 November 2015, Bansko
A member of the International Alliance for Mountain Film since August 25, 2005
- The International Film Festival for Mountains, Extreme Sports and Adventures is organized by the municipality of Bansko and the Association “International Mountain Film Festival”.
- Organisational funds come from charity, sponsors and contracts for advertisement.
- The Festival is conducted in Bansko, Bulgaria.
- Festival time: 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 November 2015.
- Entry deadlines:
- Receipt of entry form: August 10, 2015,
- Receipt of film or video: August 31, 2015.
- The purpose of this festival is to encourage production of films for mountains, extreme sports, adventures and to contribute to their development by attracting people’s attention to mountains, mountaineering and extreme sports, outdoor activities, adventures the way of life enjoyed by mountain people and the preservation of mountain nature.
- Categories and awards:
- Grand Prix,
- Judge Special Award,
- Award for Bulgarian Short Film for Mountains, Extreme Sports and Adventures (for Bulgarian filmmakers only),
- Municipality of Bansko Award for the film of special cultural values,
- Prize of the Bansko Tourist’s Busyness Union for the film on alpine sport, exploration or adventure,
- Award for complete realization in extreme conditions.
- A work can be awarded one official prize only.
- The meaning of “Film for Mountains, Extreme Sports and Adventures” is any movie production (on film or tape) that treats the problems listed in Regulation #6.
- The Festival is open to all filmmakers, whether professional, amateur or freelance.
- The Movies which will be presented should bе:
- We prefer to receive your movies as digital files.
- They can be .mov, .avi, .mpeg, .mp4 and any other container and H.264, XviD, MPEG4 and any other codec as long as both container and codec deliver good quality (HD quality or at least DVD quality).
- We recommend:
Container: .mov
Codec: H.264 on maximum quality (approx. 5000kbps)
Resolution: 1280x720px or better, for example 1980x1080px - If you don’t have where to upload your file or you don’t have an FTP account – please contact us – we’ll send you.
- You can send your digital file also on all kind of physical storages and send us by mail – USB Sticks, External Hard Discs etc.
- We don’t have any limitation of the file size.
- If you are not able to send us digital files, please send us your DVD or Blu-Ray Disc.
Very important: Don’t send us used or scratched disks, because most likely we’ll not be able to lay them. Please send us new and well working copies! - If you are not able to send us digital file, Blu-Ray or DVD disks – please send us your Mini-DV tape.
- If your movie is on a different media – please contact us to arrange the delivery.
- We prefer to receive your movies as digital files.
- The movies should be accompanied by translations (dialogues) in English, French, German, Italian, and Russian. Translation and sound are the responsibility of the organizers. Presenters may use simultaneous translation or just present their movie in English.
- The films should be accompanied by a form for participating (entry form).
- Each filmmaker can present for the competition program up to four movies, made during the last two years (2014, 2015) preceding the current festival.
- During the Festival there is a retrospective (non-competitive) part. Films for this part should meet the criteria of Regulation #6.
- The Association “International Mountain Film Festival” can make a pre-selection if necessary.
- The Organizing committee appoints a Jury.
- This Jury specifies the prizes to be awarded. These prizes are affirmed by the Organizing Committee and the Association “International Mountain Film Festival”.
- Each participants should present the following:
- form for participating,
- film(s) on one of the carriers appointed in #11,
- trailer(s) of the movie(s) on one of the carriers appointed in #11, or link to YouTube, Vimeo or other website, recommended quality 720p or more
- four photos in good quality
- All the entries should be accompanied with a summary of their contents, 3 photographs of the minimum format 9 x 13 cm and other advertising material which shall become property of the Festival and the Festival is entitled to publish them free of charge.
- Participants should send their films to the following address:
Natalie Petrova
Festival Director
Association “International Mountain Film Festival”
Yuri Gagarin Street. Bl. 97/ A
1113 Sofia
For contacts: +359-2-840-74-75, +359-888-859-563.
E-mail: [email protected]
- All fees for shipping and handling for this mailing are paid by the participants.
- The Festival Board invites one representative (film-maker, producer, protagonist…) of each production presented in the competition and will cover its expenses for 2 days. Traveling expenses are covered by the representatives themselves.
- The organizers agree to use the copies sent to them only for non-commercial purposes, for just one presentation during the festival. With the permission of those who possess the copyrights, small 10-15 second clips can be broadcast on TV for non-commercial purposes.
- The producer is asked in the entry form if the Association for the International Mountain Film Festival is allowed to make a copy of the entered film (on its own expenses) for the Festival archive. The archive is only to be used for non-profit-making festival purposes.
- If any difficulties arise in the interpretation of these regulations, the Bulgarian original will be seen as decisive.
- The form for participating contains agreement for obeying the regulations set down herein.
The Association for the International Mountain Film Festival
January 2015
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