“A White Dream” France

Country: France
Director: Mathieu Le Lay
Year: 2021
Duration: 52 minutes
Trailer: https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link/2974606a-340d-4c6c-48ff-5bc61134cc77
Original title: Yukon, Un Rêve Blanc

Dreamer of images and in love with the cold, wildlife photographer Jérémie Villet travels alone through the white deserts of the northern hemisphere with his pulka and telephoto lens, in search of animals living in the cold. On his next expedition to the Canadian Far North, Jérémie sets out to explore the wild and extreme region of the Yukon, with the main objective of photographing the iconic mountain goat. The difficulty of accessing the mountain territories in which this animal evolves and the freezing temperatures will make its task difficult. Driven by adventures and unique human and animal encounters, the documentary allows you to enter the photographer’s intimacy and delicately approach this changing world.

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