Open lessons for the children and the students from Bansko and the region:
Thursday, November 22
10.00 – “Caves and speleology”, Alexey Zhalov, the Big hall in “N. Y. Vaptsarov” community center (“N. Y. Vaptsarov” square at the town center).
19.30 – “In the depths of the Universe: the evolution of our Sun and the stars as a whole”, astronomy lesson and observation of the night sky with a telescope, associate professor Alexey Stoev and professor Penka Maglova, the town park.
Friday, November 23
10.00 – “Antarctica’s flora and fauna”, Ph.D. Hristo Pimpirev (“N. Y. Vaptsarov” square in the town center).
Our guests from Germany – Alix von Melle and Luis Stitzinger
Seminars, educational movies – in “Gardenia” hotel (2770, Bansko, 72 Tzar Simeon str., phone: 0749 86900, fax: 0749 86903, [email protected],
Friday, November 23
10.00-10.45 – “Pirin mountains’ caves” – of the Karst development in Pirin and its studying, Alexey Zhalov.
11.00-12.20 – “Avalanches, storms” (two educational movies by the Tatry Mountains rescue teams – Zakopane).
“The Avalanches/“Lawiny”, Poland, 2012, Jan Krzysztof, Jerzy Porebski, 51’
“The Storms”/“Burze”, Poland, 2010, Jerrzy Porebski, 29’
12.30-13.30 – “Choosing and maintaining the ski-shoes, ski and ski mechanisms, and pre-season preparation” (an educational movie by the Tatry Mountains rescue teams – Zakopane)
Saturday, November 24
10.00-10.45 – “Extreme conditions cinema”, Jerzy Porębski, Jerzy Porębski, director, producer, chairman of the Banskofilmfest’ 2012 jury.
11.00-12.30 – “Extreme skiing and snowboarding in Pirin mountains”.
“Traditional dancing from Bansko and the region” – a workshop, lead by choreographer Desislava Bahanova (in “N. Y. Vaptsarov” community center):
Thursday, November 22
Friday, November 23
Saturday, November 24
Wednesday, November 21
Tarzhestvena hall in “N. Y. Vaptsarov” community center (“N. Y. Vaptsarov” square at the town center)
Children and students programme
10.30-10.34 – “The Rollerman”, 2011, Germany, Danny Strasser, 4’
10.34-11.03 – “Flying fish”, New Zeeland, 2009, Dave Kwant, 29’
11.03-11.06 – “Chamois”/“Kozica”, Poland, 2011, Krzysztof Kokoryn, Wojciech Kliczka, 3’
11.06-11.20 – “The Brento B. A. S. E. project”, Austria, 2011, Mathias Aberer, 14’
11.20-11.30 – break
11.30-11.38 – “Avalanche Rescue Dogs”/“Psy lawinowe”, Poland, 2012, Bartek Solik, 8’
11.38-12.30 – “The wings of the sun”/“Les ailes du soleil”, France, Belgium, Switzerland, 2011, Henri de Gerlache, 52’
12.45 – 13.30 – Opening of the exhibitions (in the lobby of “N. Y. Vaptsarov” community center):
Bansko’s children’s paintings,
“The history of the Bansko mountaineering school”,
“Sun temples and architecture from the Thracian kings valley” by Penka Maglova and Alexey Stoev,
“Steep dreams” (photos from the Alps and the Himalayas in Nepal) by Alexander Penkov,
“Bulgaria in Antarctica” by the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute,
“Archive shots from the valley of Erma river” by Svobodan Tsvetkov,
“One hundred years Ricardo Casin” by the Mountain museum in Torino,
“An international speleology expedition in China” by Alexey Zhalov and Kamen Bonev,
“In Bulgaria’s mountains” by Viktoria Tsvetanova and Liubomir Monov.
Film screenings
Tarzhestvena hall in “N. Y. Vaptsarov” community center (“N. Y. Vaptsarov” square at the town center)
13.30-14.20 – “Inn – the green river in the Alps”/“Inn – der gruene Fluss aus den Alpen”, Austria, 2011, Franz Hafner, 50’
14.20-14.43 –“7 peaks”, Netherlands, 2012, Anna Abrahams, 23’
14.43-15.30 – “Collision zone – Asia”, Canada, 2010, Andrew Gregg, 51’
15.30-15.45 – break
15.45-16.25 – “Hello Goodbye, Saipu”/“Namaste, Saipu”, Switzerland, 2011, Aline d’ Auria, 40’
16.25-17.17 – “On the White Clouds Road”/“Sur le chemin des nuages blancs”, France, 2012, Fabien Brusson, 52’
17.17-17.24 – “Darkness in the Tatras”/“Ciemność w Tatrach”, Poland, 2010, Bartek Solik, 7’
17.24-18.00 – “The second life of Tal Niv”/“Das zweite Leben des Tal Niv”, Germany, 2011, Tom Dauer, 37’
Zasedatelna hall in “N. Y. Vaptsarov” community center (“N. Y. Vaptsarov” square at the town center)
13.30-14.58 – “40 Days at Base Camp”, Canada, 2011, Dianne Whelan, 88’
14.58-15.30 – “Chasm”/“Otchłań”, Poland, 2009, Wojciech Kasperski, 34’
15.30-15.45 – break
15.45-16.37 – “Part of a Rope Team”/“Encordades”, Spain, 2011, Gerard Montero, 52’
16.37-17.02 – “A View from the Heights”/“Vue d’ en haut”, Canada, 2011, Sebastien Rist, 25’
17.04-17.08 – “Bridge Day”, Germany, 2012, Danny Strasser 4’
17.08-18.00 – “Alfonso Vinci: filming an adventurous life”/“Alfonso Vinci: il film di una vita avventurosa”, Italy, 2012, Michele Radici, 52’
The Big hall in “N. Y. Vaptsarov” community center (“N. Y. Vaptsarov” square at the town center)
18.30 – Grand opening
Midnight movies – in “Gardenia” hotel (2770, Bansko, 72 Tzar Simeon str., phone: 0749 86900, fax: 0749 86903, [email protected],
22.00-23.11 – “Silent snow”, The Netherlands, 2011, Jan van den Berg, 71’
23.11-23.41 – “Secrets of Dhaulagiri”, Nepal, 2011, Pradesh Subedi, 30’
23.41-00.35 – “Small land”/“Piccola terra”, Italy, 2012, Michele Trentini, 54’
Thursday, November 22
Tarzhestvena hall
10.30-11.20 – “Arlberg – the hidden paradise”/“Der Arlberg – das verborgene Paradies”, Austria, 2010, Heinz Leger, 50’
11.20-11.23 – “Marmot”/“Świstak”, Poland, 2012, Krzysztof Kokoryn, Wojciech Kliczka, 3’
11.23-12.09 – “Amazon From Source to Sea”, Canada, Colin Angus, Ben Kozel, 46’
12.09-12.17 – “Sarajevo Challenge”, Germany, 2011, Danny Strasser, 8’
12.17-13.01 – “The coral Eden”, Sweden, 2011, Mathias Klum, 44’
13.00-14.00 – break
14.00-14.50 – “Alpine Meltdown – just a few degrees more”/“5 Grad plus – wie das Klima unsere Welt verandert”, Austria, 2011, Waltraud Paschinger, 50’
14.50-15.15 – “Guarda – now we’re here at home”/“Guarda – oz sun jeu qua da chasa”, Switzerland, 2011, Susanna Fanzun, 25’
15.15-15.55 – “Freedom Spirit”/“Espirito de Liberdade”, Brazil, 2012, Jader Lago, 40’
16.00-16.15 – break
16.15-17.07 – “Into Oblivion”/“Mrtvá trať”, Czech Republic, 2011, Šimon Špidla, 52’
17.07-18.01 – “The magical mountain – the way of the Kailash”, France, 2011, Florence Tran, Allix Simon, 54’
18.00-18.30 – break
Zasedatelna hall
10.30-11.22 – “The Alps from above – Swiss Mountains”/“Die Alpen vom oben – vom Engadin zum Zurichsee”, Germany, 2012, Lisa Eder-Held, 52’
11.22-11.52 – “Soultrip Argentina”, Austria, 2011, Martin Winkler & Hanno Mackowitz, 30’
11.52-12.04 – “Bridge Day”/“Brückentag”, Germany, 2012, Danny Strasser, 12’
12.06-12.58 – “Afghans to the top”/“7000 metres au-dessus de la guerre”, France, 2011, Louis Meunier, 52’
13.00-14.00 – break
14.00-14.50 – “Shambala – a story of Paradise lost”, Nepal/ Germany, Fidel Devkota, 2011, 50’
14.50-15.14 – “With 81 years on the Piz Linard”/“Cun 81 ans sin il Piz Linard”, Switzerland, Bertilla Giossi, 24’
15.14-16.01 – “The strength of the Omo”/“La fuerza del Omo”, Spain, 2011, Ivan Talavera, 47’
16.00-16.15 – break
16.15-16.31 – “Tran-Velingrad project”/“Проектът Трън – Велинград”, Bulgaria, 2012, Alexander Penkov, 16’
16.31-18.01 – “Madagascar, the lost Makay”/“Makay, les aventuriers du monde perdu”, France, 2011, Pierre Stine, 90’
18.00-18.30 – break
The Big hall – meets and presentations
18.30 – Penka Maglova, Alexey Stoev: “To Australia and Back: Tracking the Vanishing Sun”.
19.30 – Luca Bich, Presenating the Region of Cervinia, below the Italian Side of Matterhorn.
20.15 – Wolfgang Fasching – one of the most famous extreme sports people of Austria.
21.15 – Adam Pustelnik (Poland) – one of his country’s and Europe’s strongest sport and big wall climbers.
Midnight movies – in “Gardenia” hotel (2770, Bansko, 72 Tzar Simeon str., phone: 0749 86900, fax: 0749 86903, [email protected],
22.30-23.52 – “Out of the darkness”, Germany, 2011, Stefano Levi, 82’
23.52-24.18 – “Now he’s coming… the shift bus”/“Uss vegn si… il bus da schichta”, Switzerland, 2011, Eligi Derungs, 26’
24.18-01.00 – “Don Guetti’s mountain”/“La montagna di don Guetti”, Italy, 2012, Jorge Lazzeri del Sordo, 42’
Friday, November 23
Tarzhestvena hall
10.30-11.20 – “Mount St. Helens – life from zero”/“Mount St. Helens – der Vulkan .lebt”, Austria, 2010, Juerg Daniel, Hissen und Heinz Leger, 50’
11.20-11.38 – “Antarctic stories”/“Антарктически истории”, Bulgaria, 2012, Victor Troyanov, 18’
11.38-12.20 – “I Believe I Can Fly”, France, 2011, Sebastien Montaz Rosset, 42’
12.20-12.42 – “The dance of time”/“A danca do tempo”, Brasil, 2011, Christian Spencer, 22’
12.42-12.57 – “Free base at Riglos”/“Free base en Riglos”, Spain, 2011, Jesus Mediavilla, 15’
13.00-13.30 – break
13.30-14.22 – “In the eye of the husky”, France, 2011, Paul-Aurelien Combre, 52’
14.22-14.37 – “Greetings from the Sar Mountain”, Netherlands, Erik Fusco, 15’
14.37-15.32 – “Beyond the Horizon”, Canada, 2006, Colin Angus, Julie Wafaei, 55’
15.30-15.45 – break
15.45-16.10 – “Lamas in dilemma”/“Lamaharu anyolma”, Nepal, 2011, Ramesh Khadka, 25’
16.10-16.15 – “Sentenced to the Tatras”/“Skazani na Tatry”, Poland, 2011, Bartek Solik, 5’
16.15-17.27 – “Walter Bonatti, with muscles, with the heart, with the”/“Walter Bonatti – con i muscoli, con il cuore, con la testa”, Italy, 2012, Michele Imperio, Fabio Pagani, 72’
17.30-18.00 – break
Zasedatelna hall
10.30-11.22 – “Bearded vultures of the Alps”, France, 2011, Mathieu le Lay, 52’
11.22-11.44 – “The Andes adventure”, 2012, Sweden, Bjarne Sahlen, 22’
11.44-13.04 – “Janapar”, Great Britain, 2012, James Newton, 80’
13.00-13.30 – break
13.30-14.22 – “Notebooks”/“Cahiers”, Italy, 2011, Alessandro Stevanon, 52’
14.22-15.20 – “Autana”, Great Britain, 2012, Alastair Lee, 58’
15.30-15.45 – break
15.45-16.17 – “An “Aleko Konstantinov” week in Pazardzhik”/“Алекова седмица в Пазарджик”, Bulgaria, 2012, Evgeni popov, 32’
16.17-17.27 – “Art of Freedom”/“Sztuka wolnosci”, Poland, 2011, Wojtek Słota i Marek Kłosowicz, 70’
17.30-18.00 – break
The Big hall – meets and presentations
18.00 – Kalina Gusheva, Angel – authors of the unique book “Pirin – tourist traverses” and of the soon to be published “Pirin” guidebook.
18.30 часа – Sandro Filippini (Italy) – long time deputy editor in chief and person in charge of extreme sports coverage for the biggest sports newspaper in Europe “La Gazzetta dello Sport“ (Milan), member of the jury for the “Piolet d’Or” 2012 award, will present the movie “Walter Bonatti, with muscles, with the heart, with the”/“Walter Bonatti – con i muscoli, con il cuore, con la testa” by Michele Imperio and Fabio Pagani. A conversation with Sandro Filippini will follow about attempts to falsify history and destroy true heroes and true values.
19.30 – Michail Michailov, Doychin Boyanov, Nikolay Petkov – “Bulgarian first ascents in Khane valley (Karakorum)”.
20.30 часа – Thomas Huber – one of the greatest (together with his brother Alexander) extreme sport climbers, author of some of the most difficult ascents on the most famous big walls around the world, he also practices B.A.S.E. jumping and wingsuit B.A.S.E. jumping.
Midnight movies – in “Gardenia” hotel (2770, Bansko, 72 Tzar Simeon str., phone: 0749 86900, fax: 0749 86903, [email protected],
22.00-23.45 – “The Tundra Book. A Tale of Vukvukai, the Little Rock”/“Книга тундры. Повесть о Вуквукае – маленьком камне”, Russia, 2011, Aleksei Vakhrushev, 105’
23.45-00.11 – “My barn”/“Mes clava”, Switzerland, 2011, Gion Tschuor, 26’
00.11-00.29 – “Juku”, Argentina, Bolivia, 2011, Mauricio Quiroga Russo, 18′
22.30 – karaoke and dancing in the pub of “Banderitsa” hotel, Bansko 2770, “Han Asparuh” 2 str., 0889 623 704, 0749 8 66 00 (visit // to see a map).
Saturday, November 24
Tarzhestvena hall
10.30-10.58 – “Annapurna, the key”/“Annapurna, la clave”, Spain, 2011, Carmen Portilla, 28’
10.58-11.50 – “Trango”, France, 2010, Denis Roy, 52’
11.50-12.30 –“Team Vibram UTMB, the extraordinary story”, Italy, 2011, Alessandro Beltrame, 40′
12.30-12.58 – “Hanuman Airway: fly over Everest”, USA, Nepal, 2011, Hamilton Pevec, 28’
13.00-13.30 – break
13.30-13.55 – “7 weeks in Tibet”, New Zeeland, 2007, Dave Kwant, 25’
13.55-14.53 – “One step beyond – the true story of Geraldine Fasnacht”, France, 2012, Sebastien Montaz Rosset, 58’
14.53-15.30 – “Moonflower”, Great Britain, 2012, Alastair Lee, 37’
15.30-15.45 – break
15.45–16.10 – “Declaration of immortality”/“Deklaracja niesmeirtelnosci”, Poland, 2010, Marcin Koszalka, 25’
16.10-16.47 – “Chopped lamb with onions and sheep butter”/“Tochitura de miel cu ceapa si unt de oaie”, Romania, 2011, Iulian Foisor, 37’
The author of the movie will be present for the screening.
16.47-17.08 – “Water pasture”/“Водна паша”, Bulgaria, 2011, Philip Trifonov, 21’
The author and the protagonist of the movie – the renowned Bulgarian actor Filip Trifonov and Pavel Koychev – will both be present for the screening.
17.08-17.30 – “Exposed to dreams”, Italy, 2012, Simone Moro, Mario Curnis, 22’
17.30-18.00 – break
Zasedatelna hall
10.30-11.30 – “When the mountains calls – Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan”, USA, 2011, Tom Vendetti, 60’
11.30-11.58 – “Nomads”/“Nomadi”, Slovakia, 2012, Samuel Jasko, 28’
11.58-12.22 – “Echoes”, Greenland, 2010, Ivalo Frank, 24’
12.22-13.00 – “Not so far”/“Non cosi’ lontano”/, Italy, 2012, Herve Barmasse, 38’
13.00-13.30 – break
13.30-14.24 – “Nanga Parbat”, Italy, 2010, Marta Saviane, 54’
14.24-14.43 – “Vertically Old-Fashioned”/“Verticalmente démodé”, Italy, 2012, Davide Carrari, 19’
14.43-15.31 – “South Island circumnavigation”, Great Brtitain, 2008, Justine Curgenven, 48’
15.30-15.45 – break
15.45-16.15 – “Machine”/“Машина”, Bulgaria, 2012, Milena Mikchaylova, 30’
16.15-16.39 – “Eye of the storm”, France, 2012, Laurent Jamet, 24’
16.39-16.56 – “Silence”/“Мълчание”, Bulgaria, 2012, Alexander Penkov, 17’
16.56-16.59 – “Bear”/“Niedźwiedź, Poland, 2011, Krzysztof Kokoryn, Wojciech Kliczka, 3’
17.00-17.30 – “The lost winter”/“Изгубената зима”, Bulgaria, 2012, Stoil Dimitrov, Emanuil Emanuilov, 30’
17.30-18.00 – break
The Big hall
18.00 – announcing the prize-winning movies
Meets and presentations
19.00 – wife and husband Alix von Melle and Luis Stitzinger – high altitude alpinists and two of the most renowned extreme skiers of our time.
20.00 – Alex Honnold – world number one solo and speed climber.
21.00 – Simone Moro (Italy) – currently the best high-altitude climber in the world.
Midnight movies – in “Gardenia” hotel (2770, Bansko, 72 Tzar Simeon str., phone: 0749 86900, fax: 0749 86903, [email protected],
22.30-00.00 – “Tales of nature, Alpine peaks”/“La France sauvage, les Alpes, les sommets de l’ extreme”, France, 2011, Augustin Viatte, Frédéric Febvre, 90’)
00.00-00.08 – “1987 Meters Above Sea Level”/“1987”, Poland, 2012, Bartek Solik, 8’
00.08-01.00 – “The white treasure and the salt workers of Caguena”/“Der weisse Schatz und die Salzarbaeiter von Caquena”, Germany, Katharina Buehler, 52’
22.30 – after party in the pub of “Banderitsa” hotel, Bansko 2770, “Han Asparuh” 2 str., 0889 623 704, 0749 8 66 00 (visit // to see a map).
Sunday, November 25
Tarzhestvena hall
11.00-11.40 – “Snow line”/“Снежна линия”, Bulgaria, 2012, Georgi Gigov, 40’
11.40-12.35 – “Tales of the Tatra Mountains Peaks”/“Pribehy tatranskich stitov”, Slovakia, 2011, Pavol Barabas, 55’
12.35-12.40 – “A season”/“Сезон”, Bulgaria, 2012, Rosen Spassov, 5’
12.40-13.32 – “Erhard Loretan, breathing the scent of the sky”/“Erhard Loretan, respire l’ ordeur du ciel”, Switzerland, 2011, Benoit Aymon, 52’
13.32-14.04 – “Falling angels”, Venezuela, 2011, Ana Isabel Dao, 32’
14.04-14.31 – “Antarctica 2012”/“Антарктида 2012”, Bulgaria, Emilian Dinov, 27’
Zasedatelna hall
11.00-11.55 – “Journey to yarsa”, Nepal, 2011, Dipendra Bhandari, 55′
11.55-12.47 – “Serge Aviotte, the iceman”, France, 2010/ 2011, Thierry Berrod, 52’
12.47-13.39 – “Prisoners of the Himalayas”/“Prisonniers de l’Himalaya”, Afghanistan, France, 2012, Louis Meunier, 52’
13.39-14.31 – “Miracle in the storm”, Australia, 2010, Guy Norris, Leo Faber, 52’
Free entry
The organizers reserve the right to change the schedule presented here above.